Monday, December 24, 2007

An Andrew Jones Revolution

The following is the most radical, revolutionary, forward-thinking thought I have ever put to words. And yet, it strikes me as seemingly fundamental and straight-forward. I believe it strikes to core principles and values that all free people acknowledge as the bedrock foundation of a free and democratic society:

My friends, our poltical landscape is bleak. We are more divided over partisan politics now than any other time in our great nation's history. While there are clear Right and Left distinctions, the basic values that the vast majority of us share far outnumber the disagreements.
The current generations of political theorists and policy makers devise for us party platforms that pit our economic liberty from our personal liberty; our freedoms from our obligations; our neighbors from ourselves.

I am not one to point to the politicians of the past and present as the doctors of division. I look through the pages of history and see that, since the dawn of society, we have been at odds with each other over political discourse. The “problem of factions”, as Madison called it, have been stark and distinguishable throughout all of recorded history. I feel, however, the time has come to strive for an evolution of discourse away from divisiveness and towards unity and community.

I am not a communist or collective thinker (in fact, if forced to choose between the current platforms, I am a stanch Republican), but rather a person who sees humanity as many different people, each with a unique voice, striving for their interests. I am not one who seeks to solve the problems of conflict with compromise as the first tool in the tool chest; rather, I first seek to point out that the values held dear by my political opponents and the positions they take on key issues conflict with one another.

We are a united people with individual wants. We must come together and take our destiny into our own hands. We must because we are at a pivotal moment in our history. We face an enemy who seeks to destroy all that is sacred and good in our society. We face the potential for the complete destruction of our planet at the hands of man. We are faced with what some see as a crisis of healthcare deficiently. We are faced with unfettered illegal immigration from citizens of foreign nations. And, my friends, we are faced with politicians who choose to make these issues matters of patrician politics, rather than issues we all must deal with.

Because I am but one man, with one perspective on things, I ask you, my friends of the YouTube generation to weigh in. To add your voice, your ideas, as we move forward. Share your ideas and help shape the political discourse of our great nation going forward.

I ask all who hear this message to please share with me your ideas. Post comments and video responses, send me messages, share with the world your concept for a more unified nation. We are a new generation, and I believe a great one; let’s establish our voice!

Please check back with me and subscribe to my YouTube channel,, to share with me your ideas and watch this new vision take shape. The more ideas I get, the more inclusive and unifying it will be.

Thank you and God bless,
Andrew Jones

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