Wednesday, January 30, 2008

AG or VP for Rudy?

Well, today was a great day to be a McCain supporter. The good Senator held his own at the Reagan Library debate and came off as the most Reagan-esque of them all.
He also received the stunningly full-fledged support of Rudy Giuliani today at the Regan Library.
I wanted to share one particular passage in the remarks McCain made that caught my attention. Please see the sentence in bold below:

"I want to say I not only thank him for his friendship, but his leadership of America...I want to thank him as we wage the struggle to secure the Presidency of the United States. There will be a clear choice this November and I believe that my life has prepared me- a life of service and a life dedication- to lead this nation in the transcendent challenge of the 21st Century, the great threat and evil of radical Islamic extremism that threatens all that we stand for and believe in. And my strong right arm and partner, and my friend in this effort will be the former mayor of New York City, an American hero, Rudy Giuliani.”

Now, when that statement is coupled with the amount of seemingly extraordinary enthusiasm with which a former serious rival is now on board with McCain, I am led to wonder, why? My best, uneducated guess is that McCain has lined up either Attorney General or Vice President for Rudy (THE LATTER CONSIDERABLY LESS LIKELY). In either case, I think this is HUGE news and great for the momentum of the campaign.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani Endorses John McCain

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Florida Result Show

McCain wins Florida!

Well, my friends, I can sleep easier tonight. The far-right loons like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity do not own, control or dominate the Republican Party! John McCain is the winner of Florida Republican Primary and is the current delegate leader in the race for the nomination.

This primary was a Republican-only affair. For the politically inept, this was an election where only registered Republicans can win. So much for McCain not being able to win an establishment election. It was also a winner take all primary where all 57 delegates go to McCain!

Also, take note that McCain beat Romney among voters who identified the economy as the most important issue facing voters. So much for the big business candidate being the choice for people worried about loosing their jobs and making less money.

If the reports turn out to be true, Rudy Giuliani will be dropping out of the race and endorsing Senator John McCain tomorrow morning. How amazing. A more “establishment candidate” choosing McCain over the country club bred, silver spoon Romney.

I am spectacularly optimistic now that the tide is clearly turning towards a McCain nomination and another term of a Republican President. However, Romney has the ego, the desire and the means to make this a hard and bitter fight. We must remember to never call anything before the rhetorical fat lady sings. We must remember also, that at the end of the day, Romney supporters, and even Willard Romney himself, are on our side in the general election and regardless of which camp get the nod, we must unite to defeat the liberal candidate.

Tonight we dance, tomorrow we get back to fighting,

Thank you for reading,
Please continue to support John McCain
God Bless,

Andrew Jones

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It’s time for America to rethink the United Nations

Because the overwhelming majority of what has and will, for the foreseeable future, be posted on this blog pertains to my feelings towards particular candidates and his or her positions, I must provide this disclaimer: THE FOLLOWING IS THE BRAINCHILD OF ANDREW JONES FOR AMERICA AND IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF, NOR ENDORSED BY, ANY POLTICAL CANDIDATE.

Often times, my liberal and worldly friends will cite the United Nations as the overarching entity to which the United States should appeal to before taking action in the arena of international relations. This is because many “progressive thinkers” (apparently that is not an oxymoron) believe that the last best hope for world peace is some grand government, where all states can have a seat at the coffee table of international diplomacy. Needless to say, I have many objections to this.

The United Nations, as defined by its own charter, is not a governing body, but rather as a type of global alliance to fight fascism and oppressive governments who violate the human rights of their peoples. It is to prevent armed conflict, "save in the common interest". Well, my friends, if we accept these premises, the United Nations as failed miserably in its many attempts to live up to its promise. For the entirety of its existence, the United Nations has stood by while countless injustices and mass violations of human rights occurred. In fact, since the UN was established, nearly 90 million people have died due to genocide. Sometimes they knew of these horrific tragedies, sometimes they didn't, but in many cases, it didn't matter because the idea that the majority of nations from around a planet of scarce recourses can act in "common interest" is a deeply wrong-minded and naive concept of what could be reality.

Now, some have countered this argument by saying that the United States is an artificially wealthy and powerful nation and that other nations deserve to have some chance to be included in international discussion. On this point, I don't disagree. Acting as a moral and just nation with regard to international retaliations is essential for America, or any advanced state, especially given this interwoven global economy. However, I firmly believe that it is simply counter productive and counterintuitive to pour American resources into an organization so inept at accomplishing even a small fraction of its stated goals.

Currently, the United States is the only member-state to pay the 22% maximum percentage of the UN general budget. That total hits the American taxpayers to the tune of well over $400 million. The US share of the UN Peacekeeping budget, a more worthwhile fund, hits the maximum allowable contribution of 27% and costs the American taxpayers $1.28 billion. While many of my liberal friends are quick to point out that America still owes about half of that is not impressive. My question is why did we pay the other half? Surely there must be more efficient and beneficial ways for America and other advanced western states to spread the wealth and usher the third world into the 21st. Century. The propensity of the American people to give to charity is unmatched by the citizens of any other civilization on the planet and the US military is one of the most economical and efficient means of delivering relief aid. We need look no further than the Asian tsunami for proof of these claims.

While the UN serves several important and ingrained functions that I did not mention in this brief opinion piece, the bottom line is that the United Nations has largely failed to live up to its main stated goals because it is an overly-idealist and bloated bureaucracy with no true political authority. Because of this, I think its time the United States rethinks its investment in the United Nations. I am not necessarily advocating the end of US membership in the UN, but merely an evaluation to make sure we are getting our money’s worth. I think we will find either that our involvement in international affairs would be more efficiently carried out without the UN as it currently exists.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Effort to Declare McCain Un-Conservative Continues…This Time from the Left

Hey everyone, I'm a new author on AJA and look forward to posting here everyone now and then. Thanks for reading...

I was watching the post debate coverage from tonight’s CNN democratic shouting match, and I noticed something interesting. Liberals are scared of John McCain.

Several of the commentators who had just gotten done praising Barack Obama and their own personally declaration of his victory in the debate, turned to John Edwards and his surprising prediction that the good senator from Arizona would win the Republican Nomination.

Larry King asked them if they too thought it was in-the-bag for Mr. McCain. Not to my surprise, they all insisted this was not the case, and since these commentators probably actually knew that John McCain is the only GOP candidate who beats all three democratic candidates, they began to downplay his front-runner status. Interestingly enough, they took a page out of the Rush Limbaugh book.

They all insisted that he wouldn’t get the nomination because he isn’t Republican enough. They cited his disagreements with Bush on the handling of Iraq, but failed to note his support of the now-working surge. They talked about him being “wrong” on immigration, but not citing his re-tooled, “right” approach to border security. They brought up him voting against the Bush tax cuts, but failed to mention his pork hating, tax despising, over-all conservative fiscal record. And lastly that McCain is against all forms of torture in any circumstance. This last comment is a flat out lie since McCain himself has said that he can understand the use of extreme techniques desperate situations but stands against making torture our official policy on interrogation.

Of course they are playing out of the Rush Limbaugh playbook so they wouldn’t want you to get the correct message about McCain’s conservative record, just the skewed one that works best for them.

Then another commentator brings up the claim that McCain only draws independent voters and that once the real conservatives get to him, he’s done. Though McCain does draw independent votes (which is one of the reasons he’s so dangerous to Democrats) this, as we have seen in South Carolina just isn’t true. McCain’s votes came from the conservative base, who turned out more for McCain than Willard Romney, the dream candidate of Limbaugh and the like.

Their reasoning for distorting the senators positions and voting base is much different from Limbaugh’s however. Whereas Limbaugh wants eight more years of G.W. in the form of Romney, the “liberal thinkers” (though I still consider that term to be an oxymoron) know that McCain is a threat, and would be very tough to beat in a general election.

Since they aren’t yet officially running against him, they have begun to try to scare conservatives away from him so that they never will be running against him. If the far right came to their senses, much as I have, that contrary to the all-knowing Limbaugh, John McCain really is a conservative, and fully realized that he is the only hope in winning the 2008 election for the GOP, he would win the nomination easily. The left can’t let this happen, and they won’t sit back quietly and just watch it happen.

As Conservative as Ever,
Michael Hilburn

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Democrats begin running against McCain

Well folks, I just watched the CNN/ Congressional Black Caucus Democratic Presidential Debate and I am more convinced now than ever before that we need a Republican, specifically John McCain, to be our next President.

Both “serious” candidates, as well as Mrs. Edward’s little boy Johnny, gave their standard liberal “protect and provide everything for everybody” lines. But what really struck me is that, in total, there were 21 negative mentions of one man: George W. Bush. Now, the funny thing is, he isn’t on any ballots. The Democrats are going to run against the record of the President, not against the record of the Republican Party. Barack Hussein Obama even said, “The one thing Bush and Cheney have done for us is give their party a bad name.”

Let’s keep that in mind, folks. The Democrats have nothing to offer except cheap handouts at the expense of the overall well-being of the United States.

In addition, John Edwards called the Republican Nomination for John McCain. Please let the record show, that for the first time in history, I think and hope that John Edwards is correct. Now, he also says that, in polls, he is the only remaining Democrat that beats John McCain. Obama took issue with that, saying that he was the only Democrat running better than McCain in head to head polls. Well, former Senator Edwards and Senator Obama, you need some information. Have a look at this: . John McCain beats all three Democrats in head-to-head polls.

The Democrats are scared of McCain. They know he will beat any of them up and down the block, regardless of how many analogies they can make between him and Bush. That ought to be very telling and encouraging to all of us!

Thanks for reading,
Andrew Jones

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We have a new contributor!

Hello All,

I just wanted to let you all know my good friend and fellow right-wing political junkie Michael Hilburn is now a contributor for Andrew Jones for America!

Welcome Mike, now you better start pulling your weight! LOL

-Andrew Jones

Saturday, January 19, 2008

We have a Front-Runner!

My friends,

We have a Republican front-runner. And, I am ecstatic to say, IT’S JOHN McCAIN!

Eight years after being crushed by George W. Bush’s dirty and overwhelming political machine in the state, John McCain has one the First in the South Primary. What is striking about this is that it was done without mudslinging, without name calling and without disrespecting opponents. It’s no accident that this election took place largely without the presence of Willard Mitt Romney.

With this win, Senator McCain has shown that he is able to appeal to southern conservatives and not just, as some claim, independents and liberals.

I happened to notice both Romney and Rudy Giuliani attacking senator McCain’s positions today in interviews. That shows me that they are worried about Florida. They feel threatened, and they should. With wins in Independent New Hampshire, conservative South Carolina, a re-formatted economic message, building momentum and an honest, straight-forward approach, these men ought to be scared out of their corrupted little minds.

I also found it fascinating to note how remarkably improved Senator McCain’s victory speech was in comparison to his lack-luster performance in New Hampshire. This was the McCain I know and love! One line stood out as important to me and quintessential McCain; “I'm not running for President to be somebody, but to do something!”

Thanks for reading,
Congratulations to Senator McCain and his team,
Let’s keep on fighting and let’s win Florida!

God Bless,
Andrew Jones

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Michigan Result Show

Michigan, what happened?

As all of us are painfully and extensively aware, former Governor Romney won the Michigan Primary election today. Hats off to him. It’s not in good taste to harp on the fact that it is his true home state, or the fact that it took a very substantial chunk of his own personal fortune to accomplish what should have been a relatively easy feat, so I won’t do that.

What I will do, however, is take note of several interesting things.

First of all, the independents and moderate democrats that make up the dynamic of the general elections in this country stayed home. They didn’t show up to vote for McCain as some thought they would, and they didn’t show up to vote for or against Hillary Clinton. These were conservative Republicans voting. Now, that sounds great to hardliners, like Hugh Hewitt and Rush Limbaugh, but it spells doom for Republicans in November. Rush, you can huff, you can puff, but you won’t be able to blow the general electorate back to the far right after eight years of George W. Bush. I wish you could, but get real.

Secondly, take note that exit polls indicate the overwhelming majority of voters in Michigan found the economy to be the most important issue when they made their decision. Therefore, it would be understandable that voters concerned about the economy would vote for the candidate who has the most experience dealing with it. However, notice two things; A) It is exceedingly wealthy Harvard MBA’s like Romney that outsourced the vast majority of their jobs in the first place and B) Someone with as much education and experience in economics as Romney knows full well that senator McCain is right when he said that some jobs simply won’t be returning. Honestly, it’s downright disingenuous to make any claims otherwise. But, with people wanting to hear it and with Romney desperate for a win, he was willing to sell the people of Michigan a bill of goods in exchange for their vote. This is just one more example of Romney going against common sense and truthfulness. His slick hair now seems to be a mere analogy to his political prowess.

I also want to mention something Fox New’s Carl Cameron reported. The campaign managers for the McCain and Romney campaigns had reached an agreement by phone that Senator McCain would be allowed to make his complete remarks before former Governor Romney gave his victory speech. However, less than a minute into McCain’s speech, Romney began his, causing all major media outlets to switch to cover his speech instead of McCain’s. While this is a sneaky and cunning political maneuver with which I would ordinarily have no problem, his campaign had entered into agreement with another to not do just that. The fact that he made and broke an agreement marks a new low in the total lack of class and decency exhibited by Romney in the more desperate moments of his campaign. Even die-hard Romney supporters should be upset that their candidate made himself look like a back stabber on national television. This cannot help the Republican Party in any way, as the liberal media will make sure to mention it over and over again in their post-primary “analysis”.

My friends, it should be very clear to anyone who has read anything I’ve written lately that I am in no way a supporter of former Governor Romney. I don’t like his attitudes, his campaign tactics, his style or his personality. I don’t think he will be appealing to the general electorate. I don’t think he can beat a Democrat in this election. I don’t think he can solve our economic worries. I don’t think he fully believes in the hardline conservative positions he once rejected and now supports. I don’t think he has any concept of what it takes to act in the realm of foreign policy and I don’t think he has the military understanding to keep us safe from a dynamic and evil threat.

With all those things said, I will support and fight like hell for former Governor Romney if he is the Republican nominee because this election is measured in scales of greys, not black and white. There is no amazing conservative candidate to embrace, and even if there were, the pragmatist would see that there is no way our country would elect him or her. America cannot afford to elect a Democratic President. We cannot allow the ideals of the femi-Nazis and the liberal fascists to hold the weight of the office of Commander in Chief. And we certainly cannot allow the anti-Capitalist policies of any of the Democratic candidates to be implemented. I believe Senator John McCain is the best man to fend off t he threat of these liberals, not to mention the evil Jihadists who would like nothing better than to see a President Obama or another President Clinton.

With Michigan a discouraging sign in the rear-view mirror on the long road to the White House, I, like all McCain supporters, look with hope to South Carolina and Florida, where the message Senator McCain so honestly delivers has more days to shine.

Thank you all for reading,
Please support Senator McCain,
God Bless,

Andrew Jones

Saturday, January 12, 2008

John McCain in his own words

Andrew Jones the Piano Man

My co-pilot and best bud Mike caught me acting as I further comment.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

McCain wins big in New Hampshire

My friends, it happened again. Mitt Romney has failed to win a state he’d spent millions on and spent a year vying for. This time, it was his backyard state, New Hampshire, where he was leading in the polls until a week ago.

The state where Romney vacations and where he has been pestering voters for over a year rejected him by a wide margin tonight. And that’s not McCain supporter spin; its fact.

Going into the election today, all the pundits were saying the Republican primary would be close and indecisive. That happened, but not on the Republican side. The voters of New Hampshire gave their support to John McCain, with his straight talking, no-nonsense style, over the fluff and slickness of the silver tongued chameleon that is Mitt Romney.

For team McCain, it’s on to Michigan, South Carolina, Florida, Super Tuesday and the general election in November!

Congratulations are also due to Governor Mike Huckabee, who went from polling 6th in New Hampshire two weeks ago to third in an un-evangelical, moderate state. Huckabee and McCain are on the rise and are showing voters who the real choices are for the Republican Party are. This is despite the efforts of people like Hugh Hewitt and Rush Limbaugh, who choose to look at the issues of this race within a philosophical vacuum, despite the reality that America will not elect someone who is as “conservative” as George W. Bush.

John McCain is conservative where it counts and the people of this country are beginning to see this and, for America’s sake, lets hope the momentum from New Hampshire can build upon itself and propel him to multiple victories and the nomination.

Today is a good day for America. With the Democratic race once again a cloudy, uncertain one, and the clear frontrunners beginning to emerge in the Republican race, we might just get the right man yet!