Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain wins Florida!

Well, my friends, I can sleep easier tonight. The far-right loons like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity do not own, control or dominate the Republican Party! John McCain is the winner of Florida Republican Primary and is the current delegate leader in the race for the nomination.

This primary was a Republican-only affair. For the politically inept, this was an election where only registered Republicans can win. So much for McCain not being able to win an establishment election. It was also a winner take all primary where all 57 delegates go to McCain!

Also, take note that McCain beat Romney among voters who identified the economy as the most important issue facing voters. So much for the big business candidate being the choice for people worried about loosing their jobs and making less money.

If the reports turn out to be true, Rudy Giuliani will be dropping out of the race and endorsing Senator John McCain tomorrow morning. How amazing. A more “establishment candidate” choosing McCain over the country club bred, silver spoon Romney.

I am spectacularly optimistic now that the tide is clearly turning towards a McCain nomination and another term of a Republican President. However, Romney has the ego, the desire and the means to make this a hard and bitter fight. We must remember to never call anything before the rhetorical fat lady sings. We must remember also, that at the end of the day, Romney supporters, and even Willard Romney himself, are on our side in the general election and regardless of which camp get the nod, we must unite to defeat the liberal candidate.

Tonight we dance, tomorrow we get back to fighting,

Thank you for reading,
Please continue to support John McCain
God Bless,

Andrew Jones

1 comment:

David Watkins said...

Congrats. I'd say your man is now at least a 3:1 favorite.