Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The New Hampshire Result Show

1 comment:

MississippiMan said...

Look man I don't see what you have against ron paul he is the only candidate in either party that does'nt sound like a recording!He has a good plan,and unlike McCain NOT THE SAME plan!! Anyone out there really want to know what kind of President McCain will be? Think of this a George W. Bush on steroids kind of thing.Look At what he says ITS THE SAME THING! Ron Paul has done bad in the primarys for serveral reasons,the guy raises more money and it comes from real people not rich people real people that work hard for their money and yet recieves almost no main stream news coverage.All the other so called top tier candidates recieve all this free press.The second reason would be voter fraud .Its not one day after the NH primary and voter fraud is already popping up all over the place,and im not only refering to Ron Paul. Electronic voteing has been manipulated and as long as thats presnt we will never know who the real front runners and winners are.We will only know what they want to happen. By they I mean the few rich and powerful people that controll our country and and politicians are just the puppets on the string for them.
Thanks for pissing me off.You think you are a smart man by acting exactly how your told to act.The only reason you support McCain is because someone told you that was the smart thing to do.Or are you actually just crazy.If you do believe this stuff you go fight the wars.You pay higher taxes.You have your civil libertys plucked from you one by one untill you have none.
I know not what course others may take but as for me GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!