Saturday, February 9, 2008

Conservatives Unite!

The question for many of you is a simple one: Why should I support John McCain? Many of you feel betrayed by his refusal to adopt and fight for some of the causes you have undertaken. However, the bottom line is this: these are many very good reasons to support him. The fact that so many people have failed to get him to fall in line with ideologies he disagrees with is a surefire sign that what John McCain told you yesterday is what you can expect from him now and in the future. You can take comfort in knowing that John McCain says what he means and means what he says.

It is not often that we Americans get the chance to vote for an honest person. We have that chance this time.

It is not often that we Americans get the chance to vote for someone who isn’t afraid to stake their political future on principles. We have that chance this time.

It is not often that we Americans get the chance to vote for someone who can cross party lines to create common sense solutions, even when it is not a necessity of political survival. We have that chance this time.

It is not often that we Americans get the chance to vote for a genuine hero. We have that chance this time.

While I admire and respect the other serious Republican still in the race, and I hold the opinion that Governor Huckabee is a good (if not great) man, I strongly feel our nation needs a Republican president. Mike Huckabee simply cannot defeat the Democrats this go-around. He has a very devoted, yet homogenous base of support. This group will be exceedingly important to a successful McCain campaign, but at this time, it is simply not large enough for the governor to run on with any general election success. We need battle-hardened leadership. We need experience. We need untold amounts of courage. John McCain delivers to us all of these things.

Just as Ronald Reagan united the different types of conservatives into the Reagan Coalition, so to, we must allow Senator McCain to unite us into the McCain Coalition. If we hold out on him, if we don’t allow this to happen (and soon), we will be watching with tears in our eyes and worry in our hearts as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama takes the solemn Oath of the Office of President of the United States of America.

That is how I answer the question “Why should I support John McCain?”

Thank you for reading,
God Bless,

Andrew Jones

1 comment:

rachel said...

andrew i love you....

but i wanted to know how you felt about the republican party stating that they dont feel mccain is "republican" enough for their party, yet he is the most electable and therefore they support him as their front runner.....