Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Huckabee drops out?

For months, both Michael and I have been enjoying thoughts of a McCain/Huckabee ticket in 2008. As the race thinned down to these two, the idea we had cooked up during the long, drawn out flight between Seattle and Tampa seemed to grow some serious teeth. Until this evening, I was convinced that Huckabee was the most logical and most helpful choice McCain could make. While he may still prove to be a helpful choice, Huckabee is no longer the logical or likely choice.

By staying in the race beyond the point when he is mathematically able to win the nomination is selfish, egotistical, divisive and cowardly. It takes a real man to know the difference between a hard fight and an impossible one. Now that it is impossible for anyone other than McCain (or Romney, if this “suspended” business turns out to be a dirty trick), the fight has gone from hard to feudal. He is now running to hear himself talk; to divide the party and to, in his mind, secure running mate status. In doing this, however, he has angered McCain supporters and thusly seriously damaged his reputation and chances to accomplish his goal of becoming Vice President.

There is no good that can come out of this. There is no goal Mike Huckabee can have that is accomplished by him staying in this race. If his goal is to be McCain’s running mate, this action fights against it by angering McCain. If his goal is to promote conservative social values, this is fighting against it by keeping the party divided and thus making it harder for a lifelong social conservative to win the White House when fighting the general election against liberal abortion peddlers. So, unless Huckabee’s goal is to sit on his couch at home and watch Clinton or Obama take the oath of office, he is not helping himself.

Having said all of that, it is very important for McCain supporters to understand how dangerous it is to the party and its causes to be overly critical or disrespectful towards Huckabee and his supporters. He is a good and (generally) honorable man and his supporters are die-hards easily offended. We need to build the McCain Coalition, not alienate a key piece of the puzzle.

Governor, its time to follow the example of (I can’t believe I’m saying this) Mitt Romney and step aside for the betterment of the party, the nation and yourself.

1 comment:

colecurtis said...

I agree whole-heartedly Andrew and You cannot hold all of us accountable by a chosen few's actions. We as a whole are not all like that and we welcome diverse opinion and comment regardless of how some may choose to act or react to it. I like Huck but it is now time to choose which he wants more the five minutes of fame or a Republican as our next president? We as McCain supporters have laid our foundation and it is now time to start the house that Mac built and the only way that we can possibly do that is to unite our party. Unfortunately that means that Huck must step aside in order for that process to proceed and be successful. So please don't judge us all by the fiasco last night and try and understand that we like Huck but it is now to cease and desist.