Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama and the "preacher"

We are fully aware that there have been repeated calls for exclusively issue-oriented attacks in this campaign from the McCain people and we would ordinarily respect that. However, this business about Obama's pastor has us in a special kind of uproar and we feel it warrants the special attention:

A year ago, before Barack Obama had reached super-star status, questions were raised about his spiritual leader, mentor, confidant, and pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr. and his often racially charged sermons and statements. Then, Obama was not overly challenged by this relationship, but now as new video of the prejudiced preacher have surfaced showing the outrageous rhetoric from Jeremiah Wright, Jr. and we are once again required to demand Obama to either align with or denounce his "spiritual leader". Some argue that a pastor does not represent the views or beliefs of the members of their church. While that may be true to a degree, it is preposterous to suggest however that some one, like Obama, who has attended a church for over 15 years under the same pastor (whom he has been friends with for around 2 decades) shares none of the views or beliefs as said pastor. Obama has likened his relationship with this man to that of a relative with a crazy uncle who says outrageous things but has to be tolerated. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, this is a stupid analogy. We cannot pick our family, we certainly can and do pick our pastors. And if our uncle was seriously outrageous, as this pastor is, would any normal person still visit with him? We think not.

It is also ridiculous to suggest that the company a candidate keeps should not come into question during an election. If a candidate called a Klu Klux Klan member as their personal spiritual leader, and mentor, there would be outrage from the electorate. This is no different. The hate speech that "Rev." Wright preaches is not only racist, but anti-American. Any one who so closely associates themselves with the source of such rhetoric is not fit to be President of the United States of America.

Statements by Rev. Wright:
America and Al Qaeda commit the same crimes .
America invented AIDS to kill people of color.
God Bless America? No No No, God **** America

Should some one who says these kind of comments be supported by a candidate for President? What does this tell us about Obama's judgement in character?

Our liberal friends are quick to point out that Senator McCain and President Bush have met with and enjoyed the support of some people who have said some rather unseemly things. This is most assuredly true. Anyone running for the Presidency of the United States is bound to pick up some supporters who say nasty things and don't share the values of the candidate. So long as they make it clear that they disagree, and strongly denounce the people's inappropriate words, there is no great problem here. In Obama's case, this rule does not apply because he has remained a member of this church after repeated controversial comments made my Wright. For example, right after the horror that was September 11, 2001, "Rev." Wright said that America's "chickens had come home to roost."

Senator Obama has categorically denied hearing or knowing of the vast majority of these comments and has stated, for the record with Fox News reporter Major Garrett, that he would have left the church had he known about these comments. Now, all that needs to happen is for proof to emerge that Obama was made aware or in attendance when one of these comments were made and America will see what a disingenuous and dangerous illusion he is.

We want to provide some clips of the preacher that is Obama's "spiritual leader" and "mentor" and let you decide for yourself if you want a product of this "thought" to be our next President. We pray to God (and we didn't ask Rev. Wright for help figuring our how to do that) that you answer that question with an emphatic and absolute NO! We have.

Thanks for reading,
Andrew Jones and Michael Hilburn


A Red Mind in a Blue State said...

I'm a conservative Republican who has only voted for two Democrats ever--Jimmy Carter and Eliot Spitzer--both of which I regretted. Still, I think Obama is OK here, unless we see video of him cheering while Wright espouses hate, bigotry and idiocy.

We all have friends and relatives who say outrageous things from time to time. I won't throw any of my friends under the bus and I don't expect Obama or any other politician to do so, either. If they aren't on your staff, then just tell me you don't agree with their position or statements and show me that you don't agree by your actions, and as far as I'm concerned the issue is over.

If I disassociated myself from every friend and relative who is a bit crazy, I'd be a lonely, lonely, man.

colecurtis said...

Hey Sweet Boy how are you doing these days? I haven't heard from you and just thought I would drop you a line to say Hey and to take care.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. I have a satirical post on my blog regarding whether it is fair to judge someone's beliefs by the organizations they belong to--and of course you can.. You site the KKK, that is a great example, how about the Branch Davidians, Communist Party, NOW, etc...

Good post!

Anonymous said...

Would your “church,” if you fellowship with one, put on it’s bulletin board hateful articles from the anti-semitic, terrorist group Hamas? Barack Obama’s CURRENT church, Trinity United Church of Christ, did just that.

We just found out in the last 48 hours that Wright, while giving a eulogy in 2007, said that “(Jesus’) enemies had their opinion about Him… The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans.”

Now comes a report by NBC News that while Wright was in charge at Obama’s CURRENT church, reprinted anti-Israel writings, including one column by none other than Hamas leader, Mousa Abu Marzook, appeared on the bulletin board there.

The column by the Hamas leader, Mousa Abu Marzook, asked: “Why should any Palestinian recognise the monstrous crimes carried out by Israel’s founders and continued by its deformed modern apartheid state?”

The question becomes one of judgment, character, integrity, honesty and intelligence.

If I were to believe Obama’s defense that he didn’t, and still doesn’t, know what was, and still is, going on at his church for 20 years, then, in my opinion, he must not be very observant nor intelligent, and does not possess sensible judgement. Therefore he cannot be qualified to be the POTUS, in my opinion. If I do NOT believe Obama, then his integrity, character and honesty is woefully insufficient to be the POTUS, in my opinion.

Obama went to Harvard Law School (they don’t let just anybody in), where he became the first African-American president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review. He graduated magna cum laude in 1991. Now do you think he is NOT aware of what his church and ex-pastor are all about? Be AFRAID! Be VERY AFRAID!

Barack Obama’s political FRAUD against the American People continues…

Read the rest of this article here...

Anonymous said...

1 - He completely knew what was going on at that church and wasn't bothered by it until it affected his campaign


2- He isn't the dedicated religious, church-going Christian he claims to be. He claims he was never there when Wright made these comments. Given how many times Wright has ranted I'd say Obama is maybe not in church as much as he claims to be.

I don't care HOW long I've been at a church. If my pastor started saying anything even close to what Wright was saying I'd either leave that congregation or insist that the pastor be relieved of his call to that congregation.