Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hey, Joe!

First let me confess to something: I signed up for that ridiculous text message/email from the Obama campaign thinking that they would actually let their supporters in on the secret before the news broke. As we all know now, not only did they miss their mark by several hours, but they also had to send the text messages out at around 3 am EST, or midnight out here on the left coast. Nothing says well orchestrated campaign stunt like waking up your supporters at 3 am to tell them something that had already been leaked to the entire free world! I was further ecstatic to receive an official announcement email from the Obama people naming Joe Biden as Barack's running mate at about 10 am. The Obama campaigns timeliness would be nothing short of amazing....if this were 1890, but alas, as it stands it was just a comical thing to watch. They kept such a good secret for so long, only to have it leaked out and confirmed 12 hours short of the finish line. I think that is a sneak peak to a common theme for the remainder of the Obama campaign: Obama, a day late and a dollar short. I am now a happy former subscriber to Obama email updates (I would hate to waste any more space in my inbox with his updates).

I also wanted to share some thoughts about Joe Biden, the new running mate. First of all, I find it stunning that the Democrats continue to get thing so backwards. How in the world does the inexperienced, done-nothing junior senator take the #1 spot on the ticket while the 6 term senator (and current chairman of the foreign relations committee) is relegated to #2. This is the definition of a backwards and unbalanced ticket.

Even Senator Joe himself doesn't think Barack is Presidential material.

And isn't it strange that Mr. Change felt the need to pick a 6 TERM US SENATOR to be his running mate. Its almost like experience actually does matter. Imagine that.

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