Friday, March 7, 2008

John McCain blowup?

Today Senator McCain had what some weak stomached yellow journalists are calling a “blow up” when he was asked about the conversation he had with Senator Kerry when he asked McCain to be his running mate.

I don’t want to even get into the stupidity of the question or the details of the conversation. Rather, I just think it is very bold of this reporter (considering she writes for the New York Times) to take offence to McCain’s reaction to the question. She is, in my opinion, lucky that he didn’t kick her off his plane as soon as it landed.

I propose that, in order to prove a point and to gain creditability with the conservative movement, Senator McCain revoke the New York Times’ press passes, bar them from his events and demand that they retract their endorsement of his candidacy. They have slandered him so greatly and so dramatically that I find today’s “blow up” to be far too polite for these snotty liberal jerks.

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