Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rethinking MV08

The arrogance surrounding my ongoing opposition to the attitudes of the MV08 administration has boiled over. It was emanating from both myself and them and it simply could not be sustained any longer. If they continue to devalue the little blogs, if they continue to belittle the young people, they will not be a very effective organization. This can only hurt Senator McCain, which is not acceptable. In the past few weeks I have tried to point this out, but to no avail. While there was negative things said on my part, they were rooted in a deep commitment to John McCain and strong emotions as a result of perceived negligence and abuse.

I am sad to say that if the McCain campaign is run by people with the same attitudes and ineptitudes as the same people that run MV08, this campaign needs a serious shakeup if it plans to win in November.

I do apologize for my words and tones in dealing with this situation, but they were a perfect mirror of the way I feel I was treated.

Tonight Senator McCain secured the Republican nomination for President and I am ecstatic about that. When the dust settles, I will remain here, doing what little I can to help the cause. This election is too important to allow arrogance and pride to get in the way of what is right. Because I cannot control the actions and attitudes of anyone but myself, I choose to go forward from this moment with nothing but respect the support that anyone who supports McCain shows him.

Thanks for reading and I hope some of you will continue to value my opinion,

Andrew Jones


Lee Vogler said...

Andrew I'm a young person and I have been treated with nothing but respect from all the MV08 people. So I think you need to take a step back and calm down. We are all on the same team.

Lee Vogler

Andrew Jones said...

Leevo, I have nothing but respect for you and I'm glad that you have had better results than I have. I have a big problem being laughed at. I have now watched on webcam as a drunk Brad say that I'm "not important" and Micheal call me a "little kid" (he said that tonight when his wife was on camera with him). Thankfully you have more of their respect for them. I happen to find large ammounts of arrogance from them, especially towards young people.

Anonymous said...

Andrew...Now that it is obvious that you are lil more than an absolute Liar...which I am sorry but I can not tolerate....I think you should simply stop associating with us in any fashion. Michael nor anyone else said ANYTHING of the sort this evening...much like your misguided fit you had last time.
Good luck my friend.



Tony GOPrano said...

Andrew all you ever do is bash John McCain when you come into OUR chat room. You won't have to worry about MV08 beacuse your not going to be part of it. Hasta La Vista !!!

Andrew Jones said...

I WATCHED AND HEARD IT HAPPEN. I can take many things, but being called a liar is not one of them.

colecurtis said...

Andrew you need to grow up and figure out thatb the world does not revolve around you nor for you. We are in this for Mac and only Mac not to babysit or pacify a child.So please grow up and support a candidate rather than your dreams of granduer.i took up for you the last time this stuff happened and what happens you do the same thing. I am so disappointed in you and I will not do it again.

Andrew Jones said...

Tony, I have never liked a politican more than John McCain, but he is not God or anything close to it. Treating his flaws as if they do not exist hurts, not helps. I am very sure my attitude was not helpful most of the time, but my comments regarding his weaknesses are still valid and should be taken seriously.

Andrew Jones said...

Colecurtis, thats what hurts the most. I know I was acting like a child, but really, why would I stay in an organization that does not support my ideas and, in my opinion, acts like nothing more than a cheerleader for McCain? I support McCain enough to realize his flaws before they become fatal ones.